Progressive Web Apps in 2020!
Hello and Happy New Year!
I just want to share with you my latest article: Progressive Web Apps in 2020.
In the article, I share with you the latest status in the PWA platform including:
🤯Usage: 80,000 PWAs out there? The most visited website is now a PWA?
⨁ Platforms: 93% of current users browsing the Web can use a PWA and 86% can install it. A review of the current status per platform, including WebAPK, iOS, and desktop
🍎To be or not to be: the latest status on PWAs and Apple
📣Distribution: latest news on browser installation, app store and enterprise distribution of PWAs
💪Abilities: how API availability looks like for PWA in 2020?
🎨Design: what new things are important for PWA designers in 2020?
🧰Tools: news on tools specifically targeting PWA developers
I'm planning a lot of more content on Progressive Web Apps, a new workshop and new talks I will be delivering this year (full calendar to be published soon). What do you want to read or see in 2020?